Dot Dot Smile Review – All The Information To Start This Business
Welcome to this Dot Dot Smile Review!
There has been some buzz about this company lately so I decided to check it out for myself…
Chances are someone also approached you about the business opportunity in person or on social media, and now you landed here to make sure it’s actually legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan, so you can make the right decision.
Make sure you read until the end, because there are a few things their independent merchandisers do not inform you about.
Dot Dot Smile Review – Company
This direct sales company, Dot Dot Smile was started in California by Nicole Thompson in March of 2013. Nicole already had a passion for clothes and direct sales, since her mother was the founder of Lularoe. So she decided to start her own company specializing in little girls dresses, leggings, shorts, rompers, and graphic tees.
If you have always been passionate about starting your own home based business with Lularoe and have stumbled across this Dot Dot Smile Review, then this might be the perfect business for you. Lets see if everything fits your qualifications to make this the perfect business for you. Read more…